Picture of Lani’s latest clip

Breaking News

JB Calypso has returned to Burton stables! As many of you will know the 9yo, gelding, Calypso was already here in England teaching William Fox Pitt a few things. Because I have been short on work in the UK, the Townsends have very generously given the ride back to me. Thank you very much Alex, Carolyn and Tony, I will be doing my best on him and I’m looking forward to having another 3*** horse to ride.

Getting ready for our first competition at Purston this coming weekend. Underdiscussion and Kinordy Rivaldo are the first 2 off the ranks, just doing an Open Novice class and they will be running slowly XC for their introduction to British Eventing.  First we have a squad School this Friday and Saturday with Aussie coaches Prue and Rod Brown teaching show jumping. It will be nice to see some friendly Australians again.

Went to watch Salperton on Saturday. It was a beautiful sunny day and the green grounds are just magnificent, of course in front of a huge house that looks like it’s from the film Pride and Prejudice. Saw a lot of people I knew and watched Clarke (sheepy) Johnston ride his horses. And walked the beautifully built course with Al and Derek. This was enough to fire any eventing enthusiast up. But it has to be said I am really chomping at the bit now and can’t wait to get my super team of horses out there.

In a good place

Had an excellent day today, the horses have all had a jump over the last 2 days and they are feeling very well, which has it’s up sides, added extravagance to the already talented jumps of my wonderful team of horses means that they are all doing hand stands over the jumps! And I’m sure the riders and staff on the yard think I have brought over 5 Showjumpers from Australia. They are all jumping amazingly. The down side is that I am risking my neck every time I land over a jump, they all threaten to buck me off, so far I have managed to stay there although Harry came close.

Ken is off to a flying start with the new groom! He dragged Amanda across the gravel all the way back to the stables when she was attempting to get him on the walker, poor dear was too sacred to let him go and she grazed her shins and arm. The truth is every one who has worked for me in the last few years, has spent some time on the end of a lead rope while Ken takes them skiing across the dirt (including me). Why change what you do at home hay!

Big Sam G gave me some very helpful tips when jumping Mel.  As he seems like a very similar horse to train as Happy Times Sam’s WEG horse. Sam and Lucy have been very accommodating and I feel so strongly that Symphony Farm was a great choice to move to.

Quote of the day (from Sam): Burto and Newsprint look like an old married couple walking around holding hands.

Flat out

I have some help from the young girl next door. And it was just in the nick of time. Pandora is helping me in the mornings to muck out and help groom the horses after they have worked. I was not coping very well-doing at all on my own.

Harry at the gallop track with one of Sam's horses

Took Haruzac for a gallop at William Foxpitt’s up hill, gel gallop track yesterday. And Harry got the shock of his life when he ran into his old paddock friend JB Calypso as we walked past him on the way to the track. I thought Harry could do with a bit of a blow out, but not as much as he did! He pulled my arms out and loved every minute of  it!


Lani walked back into the stable looking extremely sexy after a fresh clip this afternoon. And the boys went mad, whistling and banging down the stable doors. It was very funny to see.
I will be getting the others clipped when Amanda starts work for me next week.

Sorry to those people who have left comments and I haven’t replied, I just

Ken jumping. Check that helmet!

learnt how to see the comments on my iPad.

Till next time, Burto.

Going Swimmingly

I think I have been very lucky to have flown 5 horses to the other side of the world and touch wood been without problems. I spoke to a vet about whether I should put them on a precautionary course of antibiotics, and the answer was no I’m better to continue monitoring their temperature and watch for any sudden spikes. So far we have 5 healthy horses.

The English food is making Barry (Newsprint) turn his nose up a bit but his weight still looks really good. Lani on the other hand has decided food is her new favorite thing! And eats all of it faster than I can feed it to her. I guess you would be comfortable with yourself  if you had 4 boys hanging around you all completely in love with you.

Starting to increase their work load a bit more now. So Underdiscussion turned a few heads today when he did his Totilas impersonation on the dressage arena. Will give some of them a jump tomorrow in preparation for Purston in 2 weeks.

Hacking in the rain

On the wheel

It’s only been 2 days and already the novelty of grooming for myself is fast wearing off (miss you Aaron).

Managed to get Ken safely on the horse walker with the help of the ex-racehorse Newsprint, who looked like he’d done a few laps on a walker before.

All the horses had a short hack out today and they weren’t too shy to make the cars move out of their way down the narrow country lane.  Then on my last ride a torrent of rain fell on my head, poor Lani was not impressed!

Hacking down the lane


 Welcome to England hey!


Lani and Barry not enjoying the rain!

Settling in to British life

All the Horses have woken up in the UK this morning feeling very well.  All their temperatures are normal and except for a small graze on Mel’s face where Ken bit him, they are pretty much blemish free. Quite an accomplishment given the kilometers they have travelled.

Each horse has had a turn at grazing in the field today (which is different to a paddock because they are upside and on the other side of the world). They were all happy to have a run around and stretch their legs. I will start-up some light work with them tomorrow. The word is to take it easy for the first few days.

In the UK

Landed safely in the UK.  All the horses have travelled well and look quite bright eyed.

Trip Update, Thursday evening Aus time

Left Melbourne ahead of time and have arrived in Dubai, all of the horses have travelled really well. Not too far to go before we finally reach the UK!

Waiting in Melbourne

Arrived in Melbourne safe and sound.   All horses happy in the big boxes.   All temps are fine and they will go for a walk in the morning.


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