Going Swimmingly

I think I have been very lucky to have flown 5 horses to the other side of the world and touch wood been without problems. I spoke to a vet about whether I should put them on a precautionary course of antibiotics, and the answer was no I’m better to continue monitoring their temperature and watch for any sudden spikes. So far we have 5 healthy horses.

The English food is making Barry (Newsprint) turn his nose up a bit but his weight still looks really good. Lani on the other hand has decided food is her new favorite thing! And eats all of it faster than I can feed it to her. I guess you would be comfortable with yourself  if you had 4 boys hanging around you all completely in love with you.

Starting to increase their work load a bit more now. So Underdiscussion turned a few heads today when he did his Totilas impersonation on the dressage arena. Will give some of them a jump tomorrow in preparation for Purston in 2 weeks.

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