Whilst based in the Surrey area – Chris is able to offer the following services:

Underdiscussion cross country schooling
Competition campaigning of event horses
Event horse owner syndication
Short term training for all types of horses
Clinic and private training sessions for riders and horses
Sale preparation of all types of horses
Phone: +44 (0) 7879761396
E-mail : [email protected]
Hi Chris
I have just seen you are doing a clinic at Merrist Wood next month and hence realised you are based locally. I live (and have horses) in Farnham.
I have a 5 year old TB / ISH that I have had since 6m and backed and brought on with some help. He is very straightforward but still very green – partly from time off as he keeps growing, partly lack of time on my part due to work and partly lack of bravery on my part!
I really really want to get going and get eventing with him – I love eventing but playing around the fringes with doing BE volunteering, some grooming and being an owner. No huge ambitions but I got him always with the view I would event so am keen to do it!
I realise my level is probably below where you usually teach but if there would be any scope to have some regular lessons that would be brilliant . Because I am local living and working I can be pretty flexible re time and can come to you or wherever suits or we do have a school, but not many jumps at home. In a perfect world I guess I am looking for a mixture of lessons but also some schooling for him with a view to both of us being taught how to do it properly – he is so genuine I don’t want to spoil him with my lack of expertise!
I have 2 other youngsters who in due course I am hoping will event – and ideally I would like to send to be at least started professionally, do 4 year old classes etc – but not for a bit as only young at present.
Do you think you might have time / inclination to help???
If it’s easier to speak my mobile is 07914 863127
Phillipa, I would certainly be available for some lessons. Please email me through the contact page and we will work something out.
Hi Chris, While I don’t live in England so can’t benefit from your direct coaching, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your course walk at Adelaide this year, and also the Masterclass you hosted. You said that you hoped you hadn’t bored us with your choice of working with two poles for the class, and I can tell you that you didn’t!
After both, the course walk where you explained the thinking and preparation for each fence….and on occasions, how and why you might attack a fence differently! …and the Masterclass where your demonstration of stride length and economy around the track showed us how to shave seconds, and work, off a round, it was so impressive to see you then reinforce your instruction through your riding of TS Jamaimo.
I know he is a great little horse, he has to be to win the 4*, but I think your positive, bold riding of him was no small contribution in his winning the event. Congratulations, it was just amazing, and a bonus on top of receiving your time and knowledge on how to put together a great ride! I’ll keep an eye on this page and hopefully we will get a chance in the future to attend a clinic in Melbourne if you can be persuaded in your holidays in the future!…If not, I plan to get to Badminton and Burghley one day, and look forward to seeing you ride again.
Congratulations, Amanda
Thank you Amanda, I am glad you were able to get something out of the demonstrations at Adelaide, Chris.